In a world where traditional values collide with the ever-evolving influence of popular culture and media, “Moral Majority – Rated PG” is a thought-provoking documentary that challenges the conventional understanding of morality. This film explores how society’s moral compass may be shifting from religious traditions to the unlikely arbiter of the MPA rating system. Through engaging interviews with theologians, cultural critics, and media experts, the documentary delves into the power of entertainment, digital media, and online communities in shaping contemporary moral values. Join us on a journey to question and reevaluate the sources of your own moral beliefs in this intriguing exploration of the intersection of culture, entertainment, and ethics. “Moral Majority – Rated PG” is not just a documentary; it’s an invitation to engage in a critical dialogue about the ever-changing landscape of morality in the modern world.

Pay it Forward • Become a Rated C EP